When to Change An Onewheel Tire [Wear Indicators]

Oskar Fällman

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When to change onewheel tire

The tire should be replaced when you start to see uneven wear or the structural threads in the rubber coming through. The Onewheel tire usually lasts around 750-1,500 miles, the lifespan depends on how you take care of the tire and your riding style, tire pressure, and terrain. Most riders get around 1000 miles from their stock Vega tire.

The tire rubber plays a big role in the wear-out rate of the tire. The softer compound that’s used the lower miles will you get from the tire as it´s more prone to wear down. On the contrary, a harder compound will last longer.

Signs of wear-out

1. The first sign is that you will be losing pressure faster than before and after a while, the tire will be ”sweating” out the slime installed from the factory. This can be seen as wet, darker, spots on the tire.

Onewheel tire leak slime
Onewheel tire “sweating” leaking Slime

2. You can see the white threads in the tire’s rubber, usually on the sidewalls of the tire.

Onewheel tire sidewall wear
Onewheel tire sidewall wear

3. Check your tire pressure frequently to ensure that you are riding at the optimal pressure. Keeping the tire at a higher pressure, around 20 PSI, will increase the lifetime of the tire. Riding on an underinflated tire puts a lot more stress and wear on it. If you see wear on the side/sidewalls of the tire then it’s a good sign to check your pressure. Aggressive carving with an underinflated tire will wear it down quickly.

A properly inflated tire can last 1000-2000+ miles. With an underinflated tire and aggressive carving on pavement, the tire can be worn out as fast as <750miles. Uncertain about the optimal tire pressure? use my Tire pressure calculator for Onewheel.

4. On a slick tire check the wear-out indicator and see if it´s still visible or flush with the tire. A slick tire has circular indicators, holes, in the rubber indicating wear. On treaded tire check the threads and their status.

Onewheel Tire circular wear indicators
Onewheel tire circular wear indicator


There is always a risk of puncture and you can use a tire plug if the tire sealant can’t patch the hole. I recommended using Armor-Dilloz Red Tire Sealant designed for Onewheel instead of Slime if you need to refill your tire. Slime is still a good choice if you don’t have access to Amor-Dilloz.

Onewheel tires come with tire sealant from the factory. Before Future Motion used Slime’s Prevent & Repair Tire Sealant as the official tire sealant but has since the last year going to a proprietary tire sealant.

Tire sealant is a liquid containing fibers and rubber particles that coat the inside of the tire. When the tire is punctured, the escaping air carries the sealant to the puncture. When the sealant escapes from the puncture the fibers and rubber get stuck in the hole and intertwine into a flexible plug sealing the tire.

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About Oskar Fällman

Oskar Fällman, founder of FallmanTech, is a seasoned Onewheel rider and a visionary system engineer with a master's in Industrial Management and Engineering from Lunds University. With thousands of miles under his belt, Oskar combines technical expertise with a passion for technology and innovation. As a leader in the Onewheel community, he not only rides Onewheel's but also prioritizes safety, new innovations and the growth of the sport. As a system engineer he also holds a multiple patents and innovations. LinkedIn, Academia profile, Contact, Twitter, Patents.