Riding the Onewheel Backwards (Switch, Fakie)

Oskar Fällman

Person Riding a Onewheel on street

The Onewheel can ride in either direction, forward or backwards, unlike some of the electric skateboards out there. The normal stance is to ride with the sensor pad in the front as the battery pack on the opposite side is heavier and makes the board sit with the nose up. You mount the board by stepping onto the board with your back foot first and then the front to level the board. The leading foot will depend on whether you are regular or goofy.

Being able to ride both ways is a useful skill to learn. Being able to ride switch is useful making you more manoeuvrable during the ride helping you be more comfortable on the board. I usually rock back and forth when waiting at a stoplight and it helps you when commuting in densely populated areas or tricky trails.

Can you ride Onewheel backwards?

The Onewheel can ride backwards as long as the simple stop feature is disabled. This is unlike some of the electric skateboards out there. Most riders feel that it’s more comfortable riding with their leading foot forward and will have some initial problems riding backwards. With time this skill will come and it’s recommended to take some time every session to train to ride backwards, switch. 

Anything wrong with riding backwards?

There is nothing wrong with riding backwards and it will not damage the board. Riding backwards will not decrease the range of your ride. There are some drawbacks that are more linked to the function of the board. Usually while riding you move your rear foot a lot more than the front, therefore it’s easier to come off the sensor pad if it’s on the back. Losing the pressure of the sensor can result in the board thinking you’ve stepped off and shut down.

The pushback works as usual when riding backwards on the Onewheel. So there is no increased risk of nose-diving when riding fakie/ switch.

Can Onewheel Pint go both ways?

The Onewheel Pint can go in both directions. To allow the board to go backwards the feature simple stop needs to be disabled. Simple stops make the board ride in one direction which makes it possible to get off the board.

Can Onewheel GT go both ways?

The Onewheel GT can go in both directions. To allow the board to go backwards the feature simple stop needs to be disabled. Simple stops make the board ride in one direction which makes it possible to get off the board.

What is Simple Stop on Onewheel?

Simple Stop is an optional feature that eases dismount on Onewheel. This is available in Onewheel Pint, Onewheel Pint X and the Onewheel GT. The feature helps new riders when they need to dismount the board in a controlled way. The feature can be turned off in the app if you do not wish to use it.

About Oskar Fällman

Oskar Fällman, founder of FallmanTech, is a seasoned Onewheel rider and a visionary system engineer with a master's in Industrial Management and Engineering from Lunds University. With thousands of miles under his belt, Oskar combines technical expertise with a passion for technology and innovation. As a leader in the Onewheel community, he not only rides Onewheel's but also prioritizes safety, new innovations and the growth of the sport. As a system engineer he also holds a multiple patents and innovations. LinkedIn, Academia profile, Contact, Twitter, Patents.