Onewheel GT Charging Tips (New Feature: Charge to 90%)

Oskar Fällman

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Onewheel GT charge feature 90%

The charge to 90% feature is something that the community has asked for since the first Onewheel did come out. With the Onewheel GT Future Motion has implemented this charging mode and now allows the board to stop the charge when the battery cell capacity hits 90%. A lot of EUC and other PEVs have this feature already, and it’s really a good move by the company.

The Onewheel GT charging to 90% feature not only increases the lifetime of the battery it also helps people that are living on the hill. The Onewheel has a regenerative braking meaning that if you ride down a hill with a fully charged board the battery will still charge to slow you down. This will result in an overcharged board and full-battery pushback.

Note: Enabling the charge to the 90% feature will reduce the range as the last 10% is not used. The range of the Onewheel GT is more than enough for most riders and I would recommend everyone enable this feature.

Why charge the board 90%

Charging to 90% is not only increasing the lifetime of the battery it also helps people that are living on the hill. The Onewheel has a regenerative braking meaning that if you ride down a hill with a fully charged board the battery will still charge to slow you down. This will result in an overcharged board and full-battery pushback.

When the battery is fully charged and you continue to charge it through regenerative braking (e.g traveling downhill, you may experience “Full-Battery Push Back” This prevents overcharging the battery cells.

If it happens switch OFF and ON the board and start traveling up the hill for a few moments to drain the battery charge.

How to enable the limit to 90% charge setting

Go into the settings of the Onewheel app, this works both on Android and IOS.

Onewheel GT limit 90% charge
Enable Onewheel GT limit charging to 90%

Key features for the 90% Charge setting

  • Reduce the risk of overcharging the battery. Especially for riders living on a hill that starts riding downhill with a freshly charged battery.
  • By enabling the “90%” charge battery cycle life can be extended significantly.

How to Charge your Onewheel GT battery

  1. Connect the charger to an “AC” supply and then to the Onewheel GT charging port. The charger will display a red light when it’s charging.
  2. A green light will appear when the battery pack is fully charged and the charge will automatically stop charging
  3. Disconnect the charger by pressing the release button on the charging plug and pulling firmly

Pro Tip: Leave the charger attached to your GT overnight to allow the BMS and battery pack to thoroughly balance the cells. For more battery care tips check out the How to charge the Onewheel guide.

Be careful not to overcharge or undercharge your battery. The battery should be charged at least once every two months. Failure to do so may void your warranty.

What is the Onewheel GT charge time?

The Onewheel GT’s charging time is 200 minutes when using the standard charger and only 90 minutes when using the optional Hypercharger.

Will the GT Hypercharger hurt my board’s battery?

No, the GT Hypercharger will not affect the long-term health of the battery according to Future Motion. It´s designed to regulate the charge delivered to the battery during the charing process for optional performance.

Can I leave my board charging overnight?

Yes, you can leave your board charging overnight without any issue with the board or battery. Its recommended to for time to time leave the board plugged in for an extended period of time to allow the BMS to balance the battery’s cells.

About Oskar Fällman

Oskar Fällman, founder of FallmanTech, is a seasoned Onewheel rider and a visionary system engineer with a master's in Industrial Management and Engineering from Lunds University. With thousands of miles under his belt, Oskar combines technical expertise with a passion for technology and innovation. As a leader in the Onewheel community, he not only rides Onewheel's but also prioritizes safety, new innovations and the growth of the sport. As a system engineer he also holds a multiple patents and innovations. LinkedIn, Academia profile, Contact, Twitter, Patents.