Onewheel Segments (New Feature)

Oskar Fällman

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Onewheel Application Onewheel Segments

Future Motion Inc has added a new feature in the Onewheel app called Segments, it works as follows.

The Segments feature lets you break down a ride into segments where you can compete against other riders to see who is the fastest rider on that part of the course.

A controversy feature

The Segment feature has come with some controversy in the community. Some love the idea of a structured built-in way to make local competitive tracks for your group. Other points out the danger of new riders pushing themselves and their board to the limit that will ultimately lead to nosedives. The feature will encourage riders to ride fast to win first place.

Future Motion Inc has before removed features for riders’ safety, like the lifetime top speed leader board.

Share your Segments with friends
Share your Segments with friends or Public

Benefits of the Segments feature

  • Riders can now compete against each other in a simple way. This is great for local Onewheel groups.
  • It become easier to find new paths to ride and Onewheel riders to ride with. Nothing beats a group ride!

Dangers of the Segments feature

  • Competitive riding encourages you to push yourself and the board to the limit. The Onewheel is dangerous and when the motor can’t hold you up, you will nosedive.
  • Many riders have fallen with flesh wounds, broken collar bones or even deaths.
onewheel app warning for segments
Warning in the app

You can see the official release video, Pro vs Joe. Showing off the segment feature by having a typical rider race against the 2021 champion, Taylor James. Taylor is really pushing himself to the limits and falls repeatedly, showing the danger of this sport. It’s important to have protection, especially when riding fast on trails, here is our recommended protection list.

Get the Segment Feature

To get the segment feature in your Onewheel app, download the latest version from your app store. It’s released on both the play store (Android) and the app store (iPhone). If you have problems updating, uninstall the app and reinstall it again. This usually fixes the problem.

Ride safe and respect everyone around you!

Image: Onewheel | Youtube

About Oskar Fällman

Oskar Fällman, founder of FallmanTech, is a seasoned Onewheel rider and a visionary system engineer with a master's in Industrial Management and Engineering from Lunds University. With thousands of miles under his belt, Oskar combines technical expertise with a passion for technology and innovation. As a leader in the Onewheel community, he not only rides Onewheel's but also prioritizes safety, new innovations and the growth of the sport. As a system engineer he also holds a multiple patents and innovations. LinkedIn, Academia profile, Contact, Twitter, Patents.