When getting new tires there is a lot to think about, especially if you are planning to change your rims in the process. The tire and rims can really make a stock car look a lot more custom and make it pop. There are some things that will impact the car’s performance when deciding on the tires and rims.
A vehicle’s tires are one of the most important parts. It’s the only part that comes in contact with the road and therefore important both from a performance and safety standpoint. The tires not only impact the ride quality, but they also affect the car’s gas mileage and stop distance. For best performance always make sure your tires are properly inflated.
Most vehicles have the tire pressure on one of the front door panels and in the vehicle’s owner’s manual. Regardless of the tire pressure from the vehicle manufacturer, do not exceed the pressure limits written on the sidewall of the tire.
As a driver, it’s easy to forget the role that wheel weight plays in determining the vehicle’s overall ride, performance and feel. Both the tire and the rims will impact the weight and that’s why so many new vehicles have replaced steel wheels with cast aluminium alloy.
Are Heavier Tires Better?
No, heavier tires are not better in contrast to the common belief. They do not hold the road better or provide better handling/traction when pushing a car through a corner. Lighter tires and rims will make the car handling better and will make it easier for the suspension to control the movement of the car.
Does weight of tire matter?
Yes, the tire weight, rims and the total weight of the vehicle matter. Tire weight affects the speed of acceleration, speed of the vehicle stopping, suspension rebounding rate and fuel economy of the vehicle over time.
Does tire weight affect performance?
A vehicle’s total weight is the sum of all of its parts and affects its ability to accelerate, brake and corner. Reducing the total weight will enhance the vehicle’s performance because less weight needs to be controlled and therefore, less energy is required.
Reducing the weight will help the suspension and make for a better total ride.

How much difference does tire weight make?
A lighter tire when everything else is equal, will make the car brake and accelerate easier. Lighter tires will also reduce the gas mileage.
The way the math works out is that the rotating mass of a tire has a theoretical maximum effective static mass of 2 times its actual mass. For wheels, the multiplier is closer to 1.6. Reducing both the tire and wheels will have a drastic difference when considering there are four sets.
Whats cheaper 16 or 17 tires?
When shopping for tires 16″ tires will usually be cheaper to buy than 17”. The 17” are larger and will require some more material hence an increase in the cost. The price difference is around 15% so it comes down to what price and look you are after. 17″ wheels are usually considered to look a little nicer being a little bigger.
Are steel rims heavier than alloy?
Steel rims are heavier than aluminium, so changing alloy rims to steel will add some extra weight which dampens acceleration and agility. Another impact will be lowering the car’s centre of gravity and in general, makes it drive more like a tank
- Here is a guide to finding the tire jack points of the Toyota Corolla or most other cars