How long does a Onewheel Pint last?

Oskar Fällman

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Onewheel Pint

There is a couple of parts that will wear down while riding the Onewheel. The real consumable part is the tire, followed by the battery and the wheel bearings. The key to getting your Onewheel Pint to last for a long time is to treat the battery well and protect the bearings if you ride in wet or sandy conditions. Water, salt, and sand will shorten the shorter lifespan of the bearings by corrosion from water ingress.

There are Onewheels that have lasted more than 10.000 miles with regular maintenance and changing consumable parts like the Tire and battery when needed. If you treat the battery well you should easily get more than 500 full charge cycles. 

Both the tire and battery can quite easily be swapped and the bearings can a professional shop help you to pop out from the wheel. There are DIY videos and instructions on how to change the bearings if you want to do everything yourself. The good thing is that it’s possible to keep the board alive. With the introduction of the JWFFM chip, it’s now even possible to change the battery and BMS of the Onewheel Pint.

Onewheel Pint Mileage

After around 1000 miles then you will need to replace your tire depending on your riding style and conditions. The board is more than capable to ride thousands of miles when the correct maintenance and assuming you don’t have any defects. 

Over the course of years and miles, you most likely will need to change the battery pack. The normal Onewheel Pint has quite low mileage from the beginning so any degradation will hit your range. The battery is rated for more than 500 charges so there are plenty of miles down the road.

The Onewheel tire usually lasts around 750-1.500 miles, so expect to change a couple of tires during the years. A softer tire will wear down faster than a harder rubber one. Read more about when to change your tire.

On the leaderboards there are riders over 10.000 miles, these board has all changed tires and most likely are running battery upgrades or has it swapped at least once. 

Onewheel Pint Battery Replacement or Battery Upgrade

While most lithium-ion battery lasts approximately 500-1,000 charges

Onewheel Pint Battery Care

It’s important to keep the battery in good condition, in short, don’t leave it fully charged or drain during storage and let the BMS balance the cells from time to time between rides. Read more about battery maintenance in the battery guide.

All batteries degrade over time and usage, when it happens then it’s possible to upgrade it or upgrade to one with better performance.

How Many Years Does a Onewheel Pint Last?

The Onewheel Pint will provide many years of riding if taken care of. The main consumable components and replacement parts are the tires that last around 750-1.500 miles and the battery and bearings. All parts can be replaced to let your board ride for many years to come.

Conclusion How Long Will a Pint Last

How long a Onewheel board will last will depend on how you take care of it, your weight, tire pressure, and your riding. Remember to not leave your board drained or fully charged for a long time to keep the battery in the best condition. The board can last for a long time, there are still V1 Boards from the original Kickstarter campaign riding the street.

You will need to change the tire at some point in time, this can be done by yourself with the right tools or you can leave it to a tire shop or Onewheel third-party company.

About Oskar Fällman

Oskar Fällman, founder of FallmanTech, is a seasoned Onewheel rider and a visionary system engineer with a master's in Industrial Management and Engineering from Lunds University. With thousands of miles under his belt, Oskar combines technical expertise with a passion for technology and innovation. As a leader in the Onewheel community, he not only rides Onewheel's but also prioritizes safety, new innovations and the growth of the sport. As a system engineer he also holds a multiple patents and innovations. LinkedIn, Academia profile, Contact, Twitter, Patents.