Onewheel Wobble – (How to Fix an Unstable Ride)

Oskar Fällman

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Person riding a Onewheel Pint, Adidas shoes

Most riders will experience, especially in the begging as new riders, that the Onwheel wobbles while riding. This is especially pronounced for the Onewheel Pint / Pint X riders with the smaller and rounder wheel compared to the falter Onewheel XR or GT. It can be a bit scary when the board becomes unstable and starts to rock from side to side.

There are two types of Onwheel wobble, side-to-side wobble, and speed wobble. The side-to-side wobble is when your Onewheel rocks back from side to side in a lateral direction and this can happen at any speed. The other, speed wobble, happens when Onewheel’s speed is higher and the wheel starts rocking and getting unstable. 

Down below is the most common reason for getting both the side-to-side and speed wobble while riding and also how you can reduce it.

(Also read the Beginner Guide and Riding tips if you are a new rider)

What are the Reasons of Onewheel Wobble?

There are many reasons that might the reason for the wobble when riding a Onewheel. The most common is an inexperienced rider, the muscles in your body, especially the feet, need to adapt to the new way of moving. 

Are you experiencing speed wobble, especially riding a Pint/Pint X,  the first thing is to check the tire pressure so it’s not overinflated. (a good reference is to use the Onewheel tire pressure calculator)

New Onewheel Rider Inexperience 

The most common reason for experiencing wobble comes from being a new Onewheel rider. There are a lot of things to learn, foot placement, weight balance, and how to control the board. The main factor is to start trusting the board and relax. This is something that comes with practice and time. 

Practice and time will also help with strengthening muscles that are activated leading to the next common reason.

Tired muscles, Foot Fatigue

Even if you have been riding skateboards or board sports all your life, stepping onto a Onewheel will activate new muscle groups while riding. This will result in tired feet and legs leading to what’s described as foot fatigue. Tired muscles will not compensate for the board’s movement increasing the risk that the board starts wobbling under your feet.

The key is to take it easy and not push yourself. A quick stop and jumping around can relieve the muscles and you can carry on. If needed and you feel tired take a pause so that you can relax your legs and feet. 

The Stance

The stance will impact your ride and having an improper will not only risk you having a nosedive, but it can also result in a more unstable ride. Most start with a wide stance because that’s the conventional stance for board sports. The issue is that the board will act as a plank and magnify the shaking. The closer your feet are to the motor, the less shaking you’ll feel.

Being close to the wheel will also decrease the stress on the motor, reducing the risk of a crash from overpowering the motor.

Tire Pressure

Onewheel tire pressure

Incorrect tire pressure can increase the risk of wobble as the profile of the tire and contact with the ground is dependent on the pressure just like your car. Higher pressure will result in a rounder profile, lesser contact, and more side-to-side wobble. This is especially important for Onewheel Pint/Pint X as it has a rounder profile than the XR/GT.

If you are uncertain about the best tire pressure for your board read the Pint tire pressure guide here or use the Onewheel Tire Pressure Calculator. Are you experience an unstable ride try and reduce the pressure with 1-2 PSI from your current setting. A rule of thumb is that higher-weight riders will need higher pressure.

The Tire Profile

As a Onewheel Pint rider, the rounder wheel is more prone to wobble, especially the speed wobble. Riding the flatter stock VEGA on the Onehweel XR, it’s a tank. It’s possible to change the tire of the Pint to one with a flatter profile, I would not recommend any new ride to do this as the first thing. Changing the tire will void the warranty and it’s better to just lower the PSI for a more stable ride.

When you have gained experience then you can change the tire for your liking. 

How Do You Stop Wobbling on the Onewheel?

When we know what the reason for the Onewheel being unstable or wobbly ride then it’s possible to fix it. Here is the best practice to reduce or stop the board from wobbling.

Don’t ride too fast – Ride Slow

It’s easier to lose control of the board while riding fast, a bump in the ground can make you lose your balance. When the board starts to wobble, slow down and regain control. This is something that will come with practice.

Riding too slow or too fast increase the risk of the board being unstable, especially the rounder Pint or an XR/GT running a non-stock tire.

Don’t Go Straight, Carve As You Ride

The biggest pro tip for new riders is to not go straight, instead carve while you ride. Carving is one of the core movements to master and it will also help with reducing the board’s wobble. This is because of things that happen when you carve, you slow down and are forced to relax and loosen up your legs. 

I bought the Onewheel for the possibility to carve around in the summer when there is snow. To carve bend your keens and alternate between the toe and heel side to control the board, use your hip while keeping the knees in a back-and-forth motion. Having bend knees will help you to absorb obstacles and small bumps in the road. For more riding tips read the guide over here

Take a break and let your feet/legs rest

It’s recommended to take regular breaks as your feet and legs will be getting tired quite fast. This comes from activating new muscle groups to keep you balanced and control of the board. When you are getting tired or having foot fatigue it’s becoming easier to make mistakes resulting in a more unstable ride as you are not compensating correctly for the road.

A common mistake of a new rider is to be too stiff while riding and not relax your ankles and legs. Try and relax, and take a break when needed. Falling on a Onewheel can result in injuries so don’t increase the risk by being tired, always ride with the safety gear you think is needed, here is my list.


Onewheel wobble usually comes from inexperienced riders, the main fix is to take it easy, don’t give up, and just keep riding. There are riders who quit too quickly because they don’t think they will get the hang of it. Usually, people need somewhere around 10-50miles before they start feeling comfortable on the board. You will see that the board will feel more stable as time goes by.

Anyone can learn to ride a Onewheel, it just takes time, and the wobble and foot fatigue will disappear as your muscles strengthen.

If the board is still a bit unstable check the pressure and maybe lower it a bit to make the tire a bit flatter and has more contact with the ground. This gives a more stable ride and it’s recommended to ride with a bit lower pressure for new riders.

Recommended reading for Beginners

About Oskar Fällman

Oskar Fällman, founder of FallmanTech, is a seasoned Onewheel rider and a visionary system engineer with a master's in Industrial Management and Engineering from Lunds University. With thousands of miles under his belt, Oskar combines technical expertise with a passion for technology and innovation. As a leader in the Onewheel community, he not only rides Onewheel's but also prioritizes safety, new innovations and the growth of the sport. As a system engineer he also holds a multiple patents and innovations. LinkedIn, Academia profile, Contact, Twitter, Patents.